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1. General Weather Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Northeast Monsoon and is expected until around end of March 2024. During the first two months of Northeast Monsoon (December 2023 and January 2024), also known as the rainy season, are the months that normally received the highest amount of rainfall and have recorded the highest number of rain days, in comparison to other months. During this period, the country normally experiences unsettled weather conditions with occasional heavy showers or thundershowers especially during the night until early morning.

2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Forecast
Unsettled weather condition is expected in the next few days due to the combination of cold surge and a low-pressure system near our country that leads...

1.Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di Monsun Timur Laut dan dijangka akan berterusan sehingga sekitar hujung bulan Mac 2024. Semasa tempoh dua bulan pertama Monsun Timur Laut (bulan Disember 2023 dan Januari 2024), yang juga dikenali sebagai musim tengkujuh, Negara lazimnya menerima turunan hujan yang banyak dan merekodkan bilangan hari-hari berhujan tertinggi jika dibandingkan dengan bulan-bulan yang lain. Semasa tempoh ini, Negara mengalami keadaan cuaca tidak menentu dengan hujan atau hujan berpetir sekali-sekala lebat berlaku terutamanya pada waktu malam hingga awal pagi.

2.Ramalan Keadaan Cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam
Keadaaan cuaca tidak menentu dijangkakan bagi beberapa hari yang akan datang disebabkan oleh...

1.General Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Northeast Monsoon and is expected to persist until around end of March 2024. During the first two months of Northeast Monsoon (December 2023 and January 2024), also known as the rainy season, the country normally experiences unsettled weather conditions with occasional heavy showers or thundershowers especially during the night until early morning.

As of 8.00 am local time today, Sunday (17th December 2023), Tropical Storm JELAWAT was observed at coordinates 7.8°N 129.3°E, at the southeast sea of the Philippines, approximately 1600 km away from Brunei Darussalam (Figure 1). Tropical Storm JELAWAT is forecasted to move Westwards but still far from our country.

1.Keadaan Secara Am:
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di Monsun Timur Laut dan dijangka akan berterusan sehingga sekitar hujung bulan Mac 2024. Semasa tempoh dua bulan pertama Monsun Timur Laut (bulan Disember 2023 dan Januari 2024), yang juga dikenali sebagai Musim Tengkujuh, negara lazimnya mengalami keadaan cuaca tidak menentu, dengan hujan atau hujan berpetir sekali-sekala lebat terutamanya pada waktu malam hingga awal pagi.

Pada pukul 8 pagi waktu tempatan hari ini, Ahad (17 Disember 2023), Ribut Tropika (TS) JELAWAT dikesan di koordinat 7.8°N 129.3°E, di kawasan laut Tenggara Filipina, sekitar 1600 km jauh dari Negara Brunei Darussalam (Rajah 1). Ribut Tropika (TS) JELAWAT diramalkan bergerak ke arah Barat namun masih jauh dari Negara kita.

Monday, 4th December 2023 – The Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD), Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, conducted the 22nd National Weather Briefing at the Auditorium Hall of the Information Department and was attended by 74 representatives from government agencies, the private sectors and the general public. The National Weather Briefing was presented by Awang Mohammad Affindi bin Haji Sabli, Acting Chief Meteorological Officer of Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department.

The National Weather Briefing focused on the weather condition, climate and future outlook of the Northeast Monsoon that begins in early December 2023 and is expected to persist until March 2024.

The first two months of Northeast Monsoon (December 2023 and...