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1. General Weather Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently towards the end of inter-monsoon period, where during this period, local wind effects play an important role in governing our daily weather. Since early November 2023 until yesterday (24th November), Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department’s Meteorological Observation Station, at the Brunei International Airport has recorded a total rainfall amount of 251.6 mm. This rainfall amount has reached 78 percent of the normal value of rainfall for November (1991-2020) which is 322.9 mm.

Based on data information from Brunei Darussalam Doppler Weather Surveillance Radar System, heavy rainfall last night was concentrated in all four districts, and had caused flooding and flash floods, particularly over the...

1. Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di penghujung tempoh peralihan monsun, dimana sepanjang tempoh ini, kesan angin tempatan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mempengaruhi cuaca harian kita. Sejak awal bulan November 2023 sehingga kemarin (24hb November), Stesen Pencerapan Kajicuaca, Jabatan Kajicuaca Brunei Darussalam di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Brunei telah merekodkan turunan hujan sejumlah 251.6 mm. Jumlah turunan hujan tersebut telah mencapai 78 peratus jumlah turunan hujan normal bagi bulan November (1991-2020) iaitu 322.9 mm.

Berdasarkan maklumat data daripada Sistem Pemantauan Radar Cuaca Doppler Brunei Darussalam, curahan hujan lebat semalam bertumpu di keempat daerah, dan telah menyebabkan kejadian banjir dan...

1. General Weather Situation
Negara Brunei Darussalam is currently towards the end of intermonsoon period. During this period, local wind effects play an important role in governing our daily weather.

2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Forecast
Unsettled weather condition is still expected this week due to the combination of cold surge and a low-pressure system near our country that leads to more moist atmospheric condition, and thus enhancing the development of rain clouds.

Active weather condition is forecasted to persist until Sunday (26 November 2023) with occasional heavy and thundery showers and wind gust may reach up to 45 km/h during or near heavy thundershowers.

Over Brunei waters, sea state is generally at slight to moderate, up to...

1. Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di penghujung tempoh peralihan monsun. Sepanjang tempoh ini, kesan angin tempatan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mempengaruhi cuaca harian kita.

2. Ramalan Keadaan Cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam
Keadaaan cuaca tidak menentu masih dijangkakan berlaku pada minggu ini disebabkan oleh pertembungan luruan angin sejuk dengan sistem tekanan rendah berdekatan dengan Negara kita yang menjadikan keadaan atmosfera lebih lembap dan seterusnya meningkatkan pembentukan awan-awan hujan.

Keadaan cuaca aktif diramalkan berterusan sehingga hari Ahad (26 November 2023), dengan hujan lebat berpetir sekalisekala berlaku dengan kelajuan angin kencang boleh meningkat sehingga 45 kmsj...

1. General Weather Situation
Negara Brunei Darussalam is currently in the transition period which is expected to last until the end of November 2023.

During this period, local wind effects play an important role in governing our daily weather.

2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Forecast
Our weather condition is expected to be active in the coming days due to the combination of cold surge and local wind effect that leads to more moist atmospheric condition, and thus enhancing the development of rain clouds.

Active weather condition is forecasted starting tomorrow, Wednesday (15 November 2023) until Monday (20 November 2023) with occasional heavy and thundery showers especially over inland areas at late afternoon and at times...