Today's General Forecast

Saturday, 21 Muharram 1446 / 27 July 2024

Detailed Forecast

6am - 9am 10am - 1pm 2pm - 5pm 6pm - 9pm 10pm - 1am 2am - 5am

3-Day's Forecast


26 - 34°C


25 - 33°C


25 - 33°C

 Today's Forecast Details

Weather Partly cloudy along with slight haze conditions are still expected. However, isolated showers are likely to occur in the afternoon and at night.
Wind From Southwest or Northwest, at 5-15 km/h.
Temperature 26°C , 35°C

 Brunei Water

Issue At 27-07-2024 6:31AM
Weather Forecast Partly cloudy with chance of brief isolated showers.
Wind From Southeast or Northwest at 10-25 km/h.
Sea State Slight,0.3 to 0.7 m
Remarks -

Satellite Images

Global IR1 (Image provided by JMA)

Radar Animation

Brunei Darussalam Doppler Weather Surveillance Radar

Accumulated Rainfall

Ensemble Rainfall Forecast.

Prayer Times | World Weather Information Service (WWIS) | Visit Brunei | World Meteorological Organization